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Re: [GZG] laser classes

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:20:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] laser classes

> Birhan, it isn't that many in a row; boxcars are only one in thirty
six; to
> the fourth power, that's only one in something like a million and a
> Course, followed by the three more points score bumps it a bit, but
> definitely easier than powerball. ;->=

On Saturday, in a re-enactment of Trafalgar, I got a 6 for five shots
in a row, and a total of seven 6's out of seventeen shots.  Not doing
anything flaky with the dice that I know of, although my son claims I
have Evil Psychic Dice control.

By the way, we had about 65 players in that game, one per ship. After
10.5 hours of play (26 turns), the Franco-Spanish side lost eight
strikes (including me) and one explosion; the Brits suffered four
strikes, including Victory and Royal Sovereign (which struck to me).
Some time soon I'll post about the GM's mechanics for running a game
with that many players.

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