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Re: [GZG] Battlereport from August 17, 2005

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 07:38:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Battlereport from August 17, 2005

> > Fighters, and to a lesser extent salvo missiles have a very fine
> > in FT:  either there are not enough and they get swatted quickly or
> > there are too many and they swamp each ship in turn.
> > 
> We are aware of that, but will probably just stick with the official 
> SSD's for now and if things turns out to be unbalanced we will just 
> adjust the scenarios so we get the intended effects :)

Remember that load outs can always be adjusted down; I had a player that

wanted his FSE SM racks and magazines always reloaded after each battle,

without having to drag a fleet train, in a campaign we were starting. 
Given that this was when SM's were great bears, and still can be in the 
slow/close tables we run, I thought enforced cargo space for reloads was
fair trade off.

Just say a battle occurs before ships can be replenished from previous 
actions, and you can use standard SSD's but vary the numbers of fighters

and missles. Remember  that points would be way off, could be adjusted, 
but I think you use them more a guidelines rather than strict

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