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How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] New GZG starships!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:25:02 +0100
Subject: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] New GZG starships!

>Belatedly catching up on the last several days digests. (Insomnia's 
>good for something!)
>In case anyone's keeping count, I like the new NAC-sters better. 
>But then, I was never I big fan of the old models.  Ditto for the 
>ESU - much improved IMO.  And while I agree with those who want the 
>different fleets to look distinct, I also like the fact that the new 
>fleets look more like they're all from the same universe.  Same 
>planet, same species, same tech => similar looking ships.
>Scott "Cranky in Denver" Field
>"The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own 
>Satanic Herd!"

You've hit one of the nails on the head there, Scott; part of the 
intention was to homogenise some elements of the designs to give the 
feel that they were all built by basically the same (human) tech, 
while still retaining the particular design motifs that individualise 
the fleets. For the new NAC, I've tried to keep some of the styling 
cues while getting rid of the elements that have been most often and 
most vocally criticised in the past - the long frail "necks" being a 
major one!

As we're on this subject, a question for you all (or as many of you 
as want to take the time to answer!):

In general, do you prefer your starships to be smooth and sleek 
(example: Trek Federation ships) or blocky and complex (example: B5 
Earth Alliance)?


Jon (GZG)
Gzg-l mailing list

Prev: Re: [GZG] Vehicle ID Next: Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] New GZG starships!