Re: Official Japanese ships??
From: "Grant A. Ladue" <ladue@c...>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 16:13:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Official Japanese ships??
> Vince said:
> >I have had people inquiring to me designs for the IJN warships. Has
> any one played them recently and have any input for me on them?
> While we're about it...has anyone used the playtest designs for the
> Islamic Federation?
> The UN? New Israelis? OUDF?
> Anybody?
I've used the UN ships in 4 or 5 battles, and I've found them to be
balanced. Not too strong, nor particularly weak. I used them as the
for my fleet in a campaign we're running right now, although to date
all the
fighting has been been by the missile and carrier variants I designed.
So far, I've found that the 3 row hulls usually mean a ship is
or dead. Very few cripples trying to limp away to date. I've had one
nice grazer shot (16 points at range 30+), but that's been balanced by
misses and low damage shots. I'm still waiting for a destroyer to get
g1 range and cripple or kill a big ship, but no luck so far. :-)