Re: [FT] squadron suggestions
From: Claus Paludan <cpaludan@t...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 09:18:12 +0200
Subject: Re: [FT] squadron suggestions
This sounds like sending out a skirmish line :) Are the scout crews then
aware that they are being sacrified for a better good?
I suspect we will not use ships to deliberately send to their death to
soak op fire, but then our approach is a bit more rpg style (at least
with some of the players :))
Samuel Penn wrote:
> On Monday 20 June 2005 20:00, Doug Evans wrote:
>>Also, do people use ships smaller than frigates? Except for some
>>'giant-stomping-fleas' set ups, I've never had a use for 'em, and tend
>>to have FF's.
> I've got a swarm of 20 scouts that sometimes gets used - at times
> they've been fitted with Needle beams, though current design sticks
> class 2 beams on them. Big ships tend to waste a lot of damage against
> them, and there's a lot to take out.
With kind regards
Claus Paludan
W-site : - Danish Miniature Wargaming Society
MSN : claus_paludan [at]