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Re: Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 09:31:12 +0200
Subject: Re: Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn

On 5/18/05, <> wrote:

> As far as I'm aware the coax MG on a MBT is never used to engage
different targets than the main gun, at the same time at the main gun? I
thought they were pretty damn fixed with respect to eachother, which is
what _co-ax_ial implies?

Coaxial MG on an MBT is not used to engage different targets, but
rather different kinds of targets.  You are correct on your
understanding of the word coaxial.

Since it is the same gunner operating both those weapons, it would be
tricky to engage two different targets even if they could move freely
and seperately from each other.

> As for the guns on modern surface combattants, I'm fully lost what you
are suggesting here. The vast majority of modern surface combattants
have one gun per turret, and those that have more than one gun per
turret fire at the same bearing and elevation - hence at the same
target? (*)

Historical cruisers and capital ships would have multiple guns in one
turret, but would (AFAIK) engage one target at a time.

Generally, even if you did have the capability to engage multiple
targets it wouldn't be wise to spread your firepower around like that,
hoping for a lucky hit.  Much better doctrine to concentrate fire and
have better assurance of smashing your primary target quickly.	If you
want to swat bunches of escorts, that's what the batteries of
secondary 5" quick-firers are intended for.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani

Prev: Re: Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn Next: - Report: Air Force seeks Bush nod for space weapons - May 18, 2005