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Re: [ECC AAR} FMA Sheep

From: Adrian <adrian@s...>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 21:37:49 -0400
Subject: Re: [ECC AAR} FMA Sheep

>  And I wound up running Carnage Con Queso how again?? Because of 
> who?	(Ok, there were two of you involved in that part)

How?  Who?

You won fair and square.  Chris had the most points, but used
to get them.  He was exceptionally cheesy, bluffing out the other 
players.  I, as the GM, had to take a stand on such nefarious tactics,
so naturally had to assess a penalty.

You won because you got the most points, and it is your fault.


(and do you think it would have been even remotely responsible of me to 
enable Carnage Con Queso + FMA Sheep to cross breed?  The ECC organizers

couldn't afford the liability insurance...) 

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