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RE: Full Sail, the next generation.....

From: "Hudak, Michael" <mihudak@s...>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 13:17:17 -0500
Subject: RE: Full Sail, the next generation.....

> > Just when I was building up fleets for next year.......
> >
> >
> >
> > :-)
> *sigh*  My first rule of games:
> I refuse to play any game where I can lose to someone because
> a) they have better reflexes than I do
> b) they have a better net connection than I do
> c) they have a fatter wallet than I do
> It's one thing to lose a game because I did something silly but
> it's another to lose a game because my opponent spend $$$$ on
> E-bay to get the uber-mini.
> Thank you Jon for Full Thrust, StarGrunt, and everything else
> I can't think of at the moment.  There aren't a lot of games
> I can play with the rulebook and pieces of paper.
> Mike

I agree with you....  Just bought the packets to collect the ships.

I ran a game at ECC this year, Full Thrust with sailing ships.	Just
used the ships as models, had normal SSDs for the ships themselves. 
Seemed to work pretty well.  Got a lot of good feedback for next year.

I actually liked the ship models, they worked really well.

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