Re: [GZG-ECC] After Action Reports
From: Robert Makowsky <rmakowsky@y...>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 14:57:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [GZG-ECC] After Action Reports
I would be willing to take the Weight of Command Video
and do something with it.
Bob Makowsky
--- Jerry Han <> wrote:
tc. etc. etc., let me know.
> I also have approximately 25 minutes worth of video
> taken during
> "Weight of Command" which, sadly, appears to have no
> real unifying
> theme or purpose. I haven't had time yet to sit
> down and try to
> actually edit the video into something coherent --
> if anybody
> actually wants the raw footage, let me know and I
> can put it up
> somewhere for you.
> Thanks,
> --