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Re: Indy You Evil Genius!

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 17:06:32 -0600
Subject: Re: Indy You Evil Genius!

The Ogre is mostly resin. The main gun is movable. And removable.
The main gun ball is a wooden bead; the gun barrel itself resin.
The secondary batteries are metal and have some limited rotating
capability. And are removable. They are about the diameter of
a regular drinking straw. 

***Looks great!

The treads do not move. ;-)  

***Easy Fix.........)

The body is all resin, but hollow underneath. The back half
is detachable from the front half, and pivots on a hook-like
connection, allowing the vehicle to be in a dynamic turn. 

***Really like the look of it though.....took me a back when
I saw it along side Force XXI stuff I own........)

It would be possible to drill a small hole through the center of
the sensor tower and mount a clear(-ish) ball (or whatever) there
instead of the resin one I have that would contain a diode or
some such light source. Could be fun. I didn't think of this
originally; someone else mentioned it to me at the con. I do
have a second Ogre that I might consider doing this to. *grin*

*** What next, small speakers that play the appropriate mood music?

A more ambitious modeller could put a small motor inside the body
and make the treads move (or at least put wheels in the tread
modules to allow the Ogre to move). I am not that ambitious. ;-)

Joel Frock constructed the parts for the Ogre for me. He is
exploring the possibility of MAYbe making a Mk III-B or a Mk. V.
It took him the better part of 6 months of constant working to
make the Mk III. If he feels it's worth it and makes one of the
other models...there might be more 15mm Ogres out in a game next

So a pair of MkVs against a MkIII and horde of tanks etc. ?


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