RE: [SGII] Fire of AT Missiles at disperesed tagets
From: Robert Makowsky <rmakowsky@y...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 03:16:15 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: [SGII] Fire of AT Missiles at disperesed tagets
Exactly, scaricity produces doctrine to restrict
useage to the most appropriate target. In a land of
plenty use whatever you have on anything. Course you
still try to use the most effective settings of your
Bob Makowsky
--- wrote:
> G'day,
> This is why I asked my dumb question. As the rule
> book says to use ammo
> counters for rockets I'm guessing Jon's vision of
> the GZGverse still
> follows doctrine similar in effect to today, but SG
> does get used in
> other backgrounds. One of the backgrounds I use it
> in has a power where
> their anti-armour is small enough that ammo is no
> longer a restriction
> factor (I'm guessing the same would be true for Star
> Trek-like
> background where you just dialup the phaser
> appropriately). In a
> background like that it wouldn't be doctrine anymore
> so something very
> different could pan out I'd expect.
> That's the fun of sci-fi, each to his own
> background/doctrine ;)
> Cheers
> Beth