RE: [SGII] Fire of AT Missiles at disperesed tagets
From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 17:25:36 +1100
Subject: RE: [SGII] Fire of AT Missiles at disperesed tagets
> I have to side with the doctrine is for use against
> bunkers and light skinned are
> not going to waste them on a dispersed target that you
> can hit with small arms fire...
> This all changes if your doctrine is to supply your
> troops with 10s of these...
This is why I asked my dumb question. As the rule book says to use ammo
counters for rockets I'm guessing Jon's vision of the GZGverse still
follows doctrine similar in effect to today, but SG does get used in
other backgrounds. One of the backgrounds I use it in has a power where
their anti-armour is small enough that ammo is no longer a restriction
factor (I'm guessing the same would be true for Star Trek-like
background where you just dialup the phaser appropriately). In a
background like that it wouldn't be doctrine anymore so something very
different could pan out I'd expect.
That's the fun of sci-fi, each to his own background/doctrine ;)