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Re: BSG 2003 (Long)

From: "Grant A. Ladue" <ladue@c...>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 09:21:33 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: BSG 2003 (Long)

> > I normally despise that style, but for some reason it actually works
> > me in this particular show.
> I wondered if it was a case of cinema verite' gone wrong, or if there
> visual 'cultures' that would appreciate it. I'm not as fond of the
rest of
> the package as others, here YMMV indeed, so this is approaching a deal
> breaker.
> I'll probably not finish the season.
> Here's hoping we see some toys, at least.
> By the way, does it seem as if the UK has seen more than us in the US?
> getting confused by 'season' references.
> The_Beast

  The UK *has* seen more than us.  They are about 10 shows further along
in the


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