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Re: NAC - American style [LONG]

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 04:37:35 -0500
Subject: Re: NAC - American style [LONG]

J L Hilal wrote:

>Several settings do away with Earth-nations through several mechanisms.
>1) earth is a single united gov and other powers are either aliens or
>nations based on former colonies, eg Star Trek, B5, Honor Harrington,
>March Upcountry/to the Sea/to the Stars, Battletech/Star League,
>2) earth is insignificant or "Earth go BOOM" (or splat), eg Andromeda
The sci-fi series "Firefly" also is "Earth go BOOM".  On the show, it is

refered to as "the Earth that was".
Also "Titan AE"  The Earth gets it right at the begining of the picture.

>3) earth is not involved, eg Star Wars, BSG
I think "Starchaser: The Ledgion of Orin".  I think Earth wasn't 
mentioned...(Could be wrong.)

>In case 1, Earth/Humanity can be one amongst approx equals, or can be a
>lone superpower whom everyone else avoids (eg Honor Harrington), or can
>be an underdog who struggles to avoid getting its ass kicked
HH is cool.  Reading about her kicking but is entertaining.  At work I 
read the E-novels on my breaks, and am nearly late getting back....8-D

>Our home grown setting is "earth go SPLAT", and former colonies pick up
>where they left off, but with many co-equal antagonists/allies based on
>national groups, ie no EU, asian, or NorAm superblocks, but British,
>American, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese etc., kind of
>1840-1910-ish.  We hold the flavor of traditional Naval naming
>conventions, but add some that never made it to sea, eg American
>state-named /Japanese province-named capital ships supplimented by
>colony names, traditional British capital-ship names supplimented by
>battles and Admirals of WW1 and WW2, etc.
>Another option might be to go along the lines of Battletech but pick up
>after the formation of the Terran Hegemony but before the formation of
>the 5 houses, so there are a couple of dozen multi-system nations
>jocking for dominance amongst the many colony worlds, but united earth
>is not a superpower.  This gives ready-made nation-names and spatial
Two good sources of names and insperation.  One must not pass up any 
good fun ideas.

Donald Hosford

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