Re: [SG 2] Infantry weapons combinations
From: Adrian Johnson <adrian@s...>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 17:40:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG 2] Infantry weapons combinations
>Subject: [SG 2] Infantry weapons combinations
>Leaving APSWs and other crewed weapons, dealing only with
>ignoring melee weapons; it appears there are nine combinations of
>LTAR and Rotary SAW
>LTAR and Gauss SAW
>AAR and SAW
>AAR and Rotary SAW
>AAR and Gauss SAW
>Gauss rifle and SAW
>Gauss rifle and Rotary SAW
>Gauss rifle and Gauss SAW
Are you lumping in underslung-grenade launchers with your AAR and Gauss
Rifles here?
In game terms, you might stat out your weapons like this:
LTAR - firepower 2, impact d8
AAR - firepower 2, impact d10
Gauss rifle - firepower 2, impact d12
but if you add an underslung grenade launcher to the rifles, you get an
bonus, so
LTAR/GL - fp 3, imp d8
AAR/GL - fp 3, imp d10
GR/GL - fp 3, imp d12
This is reflected in the basic TO&E's shown in the back of the rulebook.
The NAC forces use an AAR/GL combo, for example, while the FSE have a
Rifle with no GL.
It means that there are actually 18 combinations of weapons:
>LTAR and Rotary SAW
>LTAR and Gauss SAW
>AAR and SAW
>AAR and Rotary SAW
>AAR and Gauss SAW
>Gauss rifle and SAW
>Gauss rifle and Rotary SAW
>Gauss rifle and Gauss SAW
and then
>LTAR/GL and Rotary SAW
>LTAR/GL and Gauss SAW
>AAR/GL and Rotary SAW
>AAR/GL and Gauss SAW
>Gauss rifle/GL and SAW
>Gauss rifle/GL and Rotary SAW
>Gauss rifle/GL and Gauss SAW
for a firepower/impact range of fp 2, imp d8 all the way up to fp3,
This makes a pretty big difference in game terms, particularly
on your squad sizes.
If you want a weak force, for example, use six-model squads with the
feeblest weapons (this would be a weak low-tech force), so five models
fp2/impD8 rifles and one with a SAW (fp d8/imp d8). If they were
quality, your best shot would be: d10 (rifles) + d8 (saw) + d8
If you upgrade them to an 8-model squad, then they get to toss a d12,
that helps...
If you want to balance out low-tech with high-tech while using this wide
spread of weapons, you can do it with squad sizes. So, your lowest tech
force has a squad as described (8 - 10 troops with rifles, one SAW).
highest tech force could have 4 - 6 model squads armed with GR/GL +
(so, FPd10 for rifles, even with just three figures shooting, FPd12 for
G-saw, and their quality die - say a d8 at regular). This second squad
throwing the same "weight of dice" with four models as the 10-model
tech squad. The lower-tech squad, however, can lose three riflemen
their firepower is affected. The high-tech squad can't lose any. This
makes up for their better impact rating and more flexible force (more
smaller units), and allows you as the GM another tool for balancing