Re: FT Dragons and the Starship Brillo
From: Alan and Carmel Brain <aebrain@w...>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 19:32:57 +1100
Subject: Re: FT Dragons and the Starship Brillo
Rrok Anroll wrote:
> I don't know... I've always been into flavor things... won't be
suprised if I found a few more ideas lurking around.... although a buddy
of mine just mentioned to me that one idea would be instead of having
the dragons be the actual entites themselves.... have them simply be the
hull... with the other stuff build on to them ... space age versions of
the elephant war platforms from lord of the rings......
OH NO! Shades of the "Starship Brillo"!
The full story is at
(See also
This follows me wherever I go. I've had a total stranger come up to me
in a US Army base in Europe and say "Are you the guy who wrote about the
'Starship Brillo' "? when he heard my name.
Alan & Carmel Brain