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Re: [FT] Naming Islamic Fed ships (was Re: [FT] Islamic Fed SSDs)

From: "Noah V. Doyle" <nvdoyle@i...>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 14:33:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Naming Islamic Fed ships (was Re: [FT] Islamic Fed SSDs)

At 02:00 AM 11/29/2004, The GZG Digest wrote:

>Mostly not.  The titles of the surahs are things like "The Cow" and
>"The Mountain" and "The Women".

Nah, I was thinking phrases from them, not titles, but I didn't have any

examples at the time.

>There's also an Afif class.  Afif is a masculine name meaning
>"chaste", so I suppose for the CL we could use personal
>characteristics: Amin (Faithful), Alim (Learned), Ashraf (Honorable)
>and so forth.

That's a much better idea than mine. :) 

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