Re: FT Sensor Rules -- Request for Comments [LONG]
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 21:55:11 -0400
Subject: Re: FT Sensor Rules -- Request for Comments [LONG]
Tony said:
> For two sensor suites detecting the same radiation signature, the
> one with an active component will have the greater range, since it
> is able to detect targets that do not emit with the detected
> and the reflections will add to any inherent emissions from the
> target.
I don't think you understood Doug's point. Let's take the example of
three battleships, Asad ed Din (actively searching) and Saif ed Din
(passively searching) versus Fernando Poo (passively searching), and
assume they're all equally reflective and have equal sensor suites.
Asad is putting out an amount of energy which has to be sufficient to
get to Fernando, reflect off Fernando, get back to Asad, and still be
above detection threshold. Because the distance from A-to-F-to-A is
twice the distance from A-to-F, the inverse square law means the
reflected signal strength A hears is one quarter the signal strength F
hears (assuming F is a perfect mirror). Therefore Fernando is going
to detect Asad a long time before Asad detects Fernando.
OTOH, Fernando and Saif will detect each other at the same time.