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Re: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 12:08:55 -0400
Subject: Re: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry

At 2:43 PM +0100 9/10/04, Roger Burton West wrote:
>Neither was I. It is the UNguided HEAT rounds which have problems
>moving targets at long range, not the (guided or self-guiding)

Given that guided rounds are becoming more common, what would be 
wrong with a bit of terminal guidance in the round, even if only 
small fins that deploy and adjust to a moving target?

>Contrary to Ryan's remark, this has everything to do with the round and
>nothing to do with the fire control computer: the FCS can't compensate
>any actions the target takes after the round has left the barrel, and
it is
>the type of round, not the FCS, which determines both whether or not
>target has time to take any such actions at all and how big an impact
>such actions have on the hit probability.

Perhaps its a question of gray area between future round guidance and 
the FCS systems.

FCS could include some terminal guidance in the round and still not 
cross the line with GMS weapons. Further you have a greater variety 
of rounds that are fired with a gun than with the typical GMS system. 
They're already looking at this for simple tube artillery. Not hard 
to expect this for the larger direct fire guns of the future.

Over very long distances time of flight of a Sabot round will still 
be rather long enough for non-evasive maneuvers to take a target out 
of the hit probability area. a 2.5 second flight time is the thing 
here. A vehicle can move a long distance in 2.5 seconds. Granted, the 
slower large caliber rounds will have a longer TOF, but terminal 
guidance could compensate here.

There should be a movement vs static position modifier I think, at 
least for the long range shots.

Over on, ray II has related how he engaged a static T-72 at 
beyond the FCS's indicated range in his M1 Abrams by using the Backup 
sight to estimate the range.

Suffice to say, even at 4000meters a 120mm APFSDF is going to have a 
long time of flight.

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