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Re: [OT] I need a reality check

From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@w...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:26:45 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] I need a reality check

"Mike Hillsgrove" <> wrote:

> If it were Louisiana I would say let it go.

Since I live in Louisiana, I can understand the bad rap it gets. Anyone 
having to suffer driving on a Louisiana road, for example, is allowed to


That having been said, Louisiana is no longer the armpit of the nation 
(it's more like that spot on your back that you can't touch). It's first

in the nation at reducing it's debt. While most states have been 
increasing debt while the rates are low, Louisiana has been dropping its

public debt over the last 10 years. (Texas, in comparison, has tripled 
its debt over the same timeframe). 

Its Medicaid program is being studied (and not as "an example to 
others"!) by other states as one of the most progressive in the country.

And you're forgetting: Louisiana has the _best_ food in the Union, if
the entire continent!

"Louisiana: At Least We're Not Mississippi"


Allan Goodall

"The secret rules of engagement are hard to endorse,
 When the appearance of conflict meets the appearance of force"
   - The Tragically Hip

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