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Re: (DS): Systems per Class

From: Samuel Penn <sam@b...>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 12:22:40 +0100
Subject: Re: (DS): Systems per Class

On Sunday 25 July 2004 11:49, Glenn M Wilson wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 10:07:18 +0100 Samuel Penn
> writes:
> <snip>
> >All else being equal. Lack of men and support could really
> >reduce the effectiveness of a high tech unit. High tech often
> >requires a *lot* of support, from high grade fuel to accurately
> >engineered bullets.
> Then you have a short but intense (they really hate you now) period
> you dominate then the levels are no longer much different (and
> approximate rapidly.)

Always thought about doing an RPG where the characters have a huge
technical advantage over the enemy, but they're cut off from any
support. As time goes on, they'd have to start conserving those
smart missiles and high powered guns for when they're *really*
needed. A wargame campaign could work like this as well.

Maybe even two enemy forces on a low tech planet, both cut off
from support. Initial battles are high tech, but as the war drags
on, high tech weapons need to be conserved, and recruiting the
'primitive' locals starts to become more of a practical proposition.

> >Orders may also compromise the effectiveness of troops. Maybe
> >a small unit has been put down on a planet (they were the only
> >force available) to suppress a rebellion by the natives. But
> >they absolutely musn't cause a bloodbath. They need to win while
> >causing a minimum of casualties.
> Outside the mechanics of level though.

Yep, but I'm trying to think of situations where a high tech
advantage could make for an interesting scenario.

> >These are all special cases however.

> Remind me not to get caught in those special circumstances <grin>
>  They sound familiar.  Sounds like a mid-60's to 70's thing.

Do it too often, and it starts to become too much like Star Trek.
We could use the Transporter to finish the episode in 5 minutes,
but there's yet another special reason why we can't.

Be seeing you,
Sam.					jabber:

Prev: Re: (DS): Systems per Class Next: Decommission troops Re: The GZG Digest V2 #2109