Military versus civilian physicians was Re: [OT] I need a reality check
From: Glenn M Wilson <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 03:49:48 PDT
Subject: Military versus civilian physicians was Re: [OT] I need a reality check
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 08:47:08 +0200
(K.H.Ranitzsch) writes:
>This argument is incomplete.
>First, there must be some costs directly associated with the
>(medicines, implant, disposable equipment...)
Having done "Supply Stuff" both reserve USA 76Yankee and USAF active
902x0 (medic) in Central Supply and 91?x0 (Orthopedic clinic tech) I can
honestly say the money gets spent (or you lose it and that much next
year) for "something' so if you have a plastic surgeon in a plastic
surgery clinic you spend the money on 'something' one way or another.
incentive to have money left over any where near the end of the fiscal
year. As a Civilian analyst it's worse, they start stripping
undedicated (and sometimes unspent dedicated money!) around July for the
end of the Fiscal Year (last day of September) wish list.
>Second, and probably more important in terms of Dollars, the
>hospitals could offer the service of their surgeons to paying
>bringing in revenue.
Prohibited by Federal law in many cases - can't 'compete' with the
civilian sector.
>Indeed, a believer in free-market economy might ask why the long-term
>treatment of military personnel (as opposed to urgent in-theater
>cases) has
>to be done by government institutions at all. Why not do it in private
>hospitals, (with the government paying the bill), which would be more
>efficient at it ?
Can the military order a military physician to a combat zone if needed?
Yes it can. Can it do so without playing tons of time intensive legal
games? No.
Efficiency by inefficiency was the first (and continuing lesson) I
learned in Federal service. And that's not a joke.
>Karl Heinz
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