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Re: (DS): Systems per Class

From: "John K. Lerchey" <lerchey@a...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 22:51:24 -0400
Subject: Re: (DS): Systems per Class

I have to agree with Glenn on this one.  If the game loses the "tanks
infantry and artillery and air units fighting each other" feel, being 
replaced by something like nanotech and cyberwarfare, while it could be 
interesting, it's NOT what I'd want to play.  I by sci fi infantry and 
vehicles for a reason - I *like* them, and want to use them in my games.

There is plenty of sci fi (Hammers Slammers, Shelly's Cadet, Luitenant, 
Captain, etc. series, the Bolo books, Legion of the Damned, Last Legion,

FIST, and others) that incorporate things that have been mentioned in
postings (EW, drones, different targeting techniques, etc.) without
them the key element of the genre.

I think that there are ways to tweak, or perhaps overhaul the DS2 system
make a more sci-fi game (as an aside, the first time I ever heard of
and DSII, a friend who had played it was describing it to me.  The
that stood out most in my mind was "It's a sci-fi game that feels like
Nam" - says something, doesn't it?) rather than a complete rehash of any

given period of actual warfare with some weapon names changes.

I like the overall system, but O.O. is right... it does not feel 
"futuristic" enough given current technology trends.

Just adding a little fuel to the fire... :)


--On Saturday, July 24, 2004 7:02 PM -0700 Glenn M Wilson 
<> wrote:

> Gracias,
> Glenn
> Who is not against improvements but change that makes the nature of
> game radically different from combined arms or increases complexity to
> the detriment of the game.
John K. Lerchey
Computer and Network Security Coordinator
Carnegie Mellon University

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