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Re: SG-1 in SG2

From: J L Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 02:08:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: SG-1 in SG2

--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> At 5:45 PM -0700 7/15/04, J L Hilal wrote:
> >
> >Mr. Gill, you are the one who brought up Qx3 for the M249 in the
> >first place.  If you hadn't, I never would have suggested it.
> In that case I suggest you bump up the FN-Mag as well. It's certainly
> a long ranged weapon.

As I originally proposed, the stats were:

5.56mm M16A2  RB:Qx1 (as basic SG2 rules)
5.56mm M249   RB:Qx2
7.62mm rifle  RB:Qx3 (not listed initially, but this is were it fits)
7.62mm M240   RB:Qx4
.50 cal rifle RB:Qx4 (not listed initially, but this is were it fits)
.50 cal M2HB  RB:Qx5

I did not explicitly state the following, but... 
Unmounted weapons use firer's quality (e.g. tripod, bipod, etc.)
Unmounted weapons w/ FCS use 12 for "Q" (e.g. OCSW, etc.)
Mounted weapons w/o FCS use 12 for "Q" (e.g. pintle, ring, etc.)
Mounted weapons w/ FCS use 20 for "Q" (e.g. coax, powered turret, etc)

What, exactly, would you suggest this spectrum of RBs to be changed to?


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