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FC and stealth was: Four years without thrust

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 21:23:13 +0200
Subject: FC and stealth was: Four years without thrust

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Burton West" <>
To: <>
> >How about an ECM mechanic somehow opposed by the target's fire
> >Allocate firecons to cracking it to partially or totally negate the
> A substantial problem with the FC-as-anti-ECM mechanic is that it
> multiple FCs vastly more valuable than they are now.

Should depend on the mechanism in question, wouldn't it ?

After all, if you have to concentrate several firecontrols on one target
and/or for one weapon, you can't use them for something else.

You could also introduce various qualitiy levels for fire-controls, as
as for stealth.

Would as well depend on the points cost (though Oerjan would be the one
ask about that).

Karl Heinz

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