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RE: Engineers Was Re: TOE

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 17:43:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Engineers Was Re: TOE

--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:

> Again, I site my examples of folks on the MV list 
> that have hacked new larger or additional 
> hydraulics into their very spartan Military 
> Trucks. Bjorn has a knuckle boom on his Deuce.

There is a huge difference between a single enthusiast
playing games with his (ONE) truck as a friggin'
hobby, and trying to do the same thing inside a
verdammt tank, a couple hundred times, and then having
it maintained by 19-year old privates.
> his deuce. It's easier to add hydraulics because 
> you can route hoses around obstructions vs having 
> to move things around for power take off shafts

Sure.  If you have something nice and roomy and
unconstricted like a verdammt truck.  Try it in a real
fighting vehicle sometime.

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