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Re: DSII - legal vehicle?

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 17:56:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: DSII - legal vehicle?

--- John K Lerchey <> wrote:

> 1) MICV.  My MICV is a size 2 tracked vehicle with
> folks would accept my using two of them with 4 CAP
> of Command/Comm each? 
> Basically, split the command function between two
> vehicles, but count it 
> as "destroyed" if either of them buys it?

I would accept that, at least.	Given that a RL BN TOC
has something like a half-dozen CP carriers.

> Page 12: ii) The capacity (and points cost) of an
> Aritllery weapon 
> INCLUDES its Fire Control (as level of FireCon is
> not relevent to 
> Artillery fire), and the space for ammunition
> storage.


> Somewhere else (though I can't find the reference
> now) IIRC, says that an 
> Artilley unit can carry 3 loads of ammo.

Yes--although they can carry more if they have extra
space for the load.

> So, my question is, if I make my twin linnked mortar
> GEVs, can it carry a 
> total of 6 loads, being 3 rounds of "fire for
> effect" for each tube?



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