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Re: Hello again

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 05:06:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Hello again

--- Don M <> wrote:
> A whim struck me earlier this week, and I rejoined
> the list.  I was curious
> if anyone had any news about John Atkinson.  I got a
> letter from him last
> year thanking me for a CARE package, but I was
> wondering if anyone had
> heard from him.

Gosh. . . I guess I'm too into my Zen-like serenity to
remind people I'm still alive.	I've made a
couple-three posts.

Update on Me:

Got back to the States on 14 March or something like
that.  Am currently on leave, and hanging out at my
parent's place in Northern Virginia.  Will be back in
the Dallas area next week for a wedding next Saturday.
 After that I'm disappearing from civilization for a
week or two.  Back to work on 13 June, and we get to
turn in our tracks (getting Bradleys in late July).

Then in August, I report back to Germany.  Go, me.  

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