Re: [FH]Attach and Detach - how far does it go
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 04:59:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FH]Attach and Detach - how far does it go
--- Christopher Downes-Ward
<> wrote:
> Some people, and I'm one of them, create tables of
> organisation and
> equipment for their units, I also often create them
> for the next two
> levels up (at least in outline) but recently I have
> been wondering if
> this is a pointless exercise and all I should be
> doing is having some
> sort of idea what proportion of a particular troop
> type a force deploys.
Having an idea of the bigger picture is never
valueless. Higher-level organization, doctrine, and
an idea of a nation's military culture all drive what
gets done at lower levels.
> So the question is how low does this kind of thing
> get now? and how low
> will it get in the future. I know that platoons and
> companies get
> shuffled around now to make task forces and
> battlegroups, but I'm not
> sure if it makes any sense to go lower (attaching an
> individual MBT to
> an infantry platoon).
Yes, but.
According to my sources. . . OK, source, it happens on
occasion, and he cited an example of a radio
retransmission site guarded by two tanks and a squad
of infantry (that's a scenario waiting to happen if I
ever saw it). They are mission-specific
crossattachments, not habitual relationships, and are
pretty unusual.
Engineers and other supporting troops are regularly
pimped out by the squad.
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