Miniature Speculation...
From: Lachlan Atcliffe <u1m87@u...>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 20:47:55 +0100
Subject: Miniature Speculation...
So...the UNSC's tubular "surface detail" turned out to be a secret new
weapon, hmmmm? If the same approach can yeild cryptic hints as to what
awaits us in FB3, then let us speculate...I just happen to have a few
Israeli ships in front of me from Salute, too.
[Note: This is silly, not a genuine attempt at
miniatureomancy...although if anyone has any theories/dark hints, feel
free to make them]
#1: Large (six-pointed...snicker) engines prominently sticking some way
out the back, with big cylindical tanks hanging off them. Some form of
solid-fuel booster? The smaller classes have similar shapes hanging off
the "wing" edges, too...
#2: Big, prominent Radomes. I wonder what mysterious EW devices lurk
beneath, hrrrm?
#3: Large, cylindrical pods on all ships with liiiiitle probes on the
forward ends that just scream "weapons mount"...the BB sticks these on
big vanes, too. Cooling? Or, perhaps, ammunition feeds...
#4: The Sabra has a very big cylindrical module slung under the nose,
with a weaponlike probe at the forward end. A spinal mount, perhaps....?
- Lachlan Atcliffe