From: "Steve Pugh" <steve@p...>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 14:11:15 +0100
Subject: DS2 PDFs
I may be acting out of line here, but I've taken the main DS2 PDF and
split it into three separate files (5, 6 and 6 Mb compared with 17
for the whole thing) and also added bookmarks to each of the
chapters. All this was done with Acrobat 4 so the results may be more
backwards-compatible than before.
These are now on my server, which as it's in the US (yes, I'm in the
UK but my web server is in the US) may be quicker for some people. I
have a decent amount of bandwidth but not excessive amounts so please
be considerate - the bookmarks really aren't a reason to download it
again if you already have a working copy from the GZG site.
It almost goes without saying that Jon and Paul can take these
versions and put them on the GZG site if they choose to.
The Ground Zero Games Meta-FAQ is available at
Steve Pugh <steve@pugh.net> <http://steve.pugh.net/>