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Re: Play aid request

From: "Sylvester" <Xveers@h...>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 12:50:02 -0700
Subject: Re: Play aid request

> Greetings,
> I'm just getting into FT and was wondering if there was a place
> where I might be able to download ship record sheets and or any other
> of play aids for FT. Thanks and I enjoy this list very much although
> mostly a lurker these days (newbie).


It's always nice to have new people playing the game :)

Record sheets for ships (official canon) are only found in the fleet
and anyone having them online is violating copyright, among other laws.
However, custom ships are another matter entirely and those can be found
just about anywhere. I would suggest looking at and
going to the "star ranger's stuff" section. It has a pretty wide
of ships from all sorts of universes. As for play aids, I know there are
some "cheat sheets" that have all the basic rules on one spot for easy
reference... I'll look through my weblinks to see if I can find them.


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