Re: FT---boom-and-zoom tactics
From: agoodall@a...
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 23:07:26 +0000
Subject: Re: FT---boom-and-zoom tactics
Glen wrote:
> The 1/2" or cm MU is a neat idea, but the miniatures
> need to be tiny.
I thought that, too, so I asked Oerjan about it, as I knew he used cm
MUs. He explained that he mounts his ships at different heights. The
larger ships are the tallest, then the medium sized ships, and then the
small ships. It means that two large capital ships can't be too close
together, but it alleviates some of the crowding.
I do agree with you that the miniatures are a bit big for centimetre
scale. I don't have a lot of space in our apartment, which is the reason
I hardly play FT anymore. Centimetre or half-inch scale would work best
for me, but the miniatures are just too darned big. I don't see this
problem of too little space ending soon (though rebasing my figures will
help), which is why I've been vaguely considering getting out of FT
Allan Goodall