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RE: Stealth and Fighters

From: "Christopher Downes-Ward" <Christopher_Downes-Ward@a...>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 13:14:56 -0000
Subject: RE: Stealth and Fighters

There was a reason that I put quotes around the word attack, maybe
critique would have been a better work. I was actually more interested
in the stealth rationale, it seems at odds with GDW's Star Cruisers idea
that stealth is everything approach but fit better with Full Thrust
where everything's on the table to start with. I can't really comment on
the accuracy of either approach.

I like the ship designs to, but I like the UNSC ships because they don't
seem to have been designed with their plane of gravity at 90 degrees to
their plane of thrust like the NAC ships.

Chris Downes-Ward

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