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My thoughts on Fighters

From: DOCAgren@a...
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 16:13:54 EST
Subject: My thoughts on Fighters

Well, I hate to put out my 0.00$  on fighters.

I have not problem with Fighters with their capaibilties per say, what I
a problem with is the amount of "firepower" a PDF doesn't do to protect
defend ship.  Or that I'm not sure that Captial Ships should be as easy
damages as Cruisers, and that Escort and Merchant Ships should be easier
But how exactly to do this I'm not sure.

An Idea I have played is to allow Fighters normal attacks against Escort
Merchant Ships, per 1 Screen for Cruiser, and per 2 Screens for Captial

Now all of this might have been fixed in New Playtest rules, as I've not

gotten to read them thur yet.

Have a Good One,

DOC Agren

     (Lurker on the Digest)

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