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RE: Fighters and Hangers

From: "Dean Gundberg" <Dean.Gundberg@n...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 12:00:46 -0600
Subject: RE: Fighters and Hangers

> > We usually do not have superships except as a theoretical exercise.
> > Using Dean Gundberg's SSD as a reference, sectional ships seem much
> > weaker than the same systms on a single ship because

Since I was invoked, I'll jump in.  Yes, multi-sectional superships are
weaker than a single monster ship.

> > 1) a much lower amount of damage will cause threshold checks

Yup, but I don't think having each row an extreme length is realistic
either. With sections, some thresholds will be taken, but only for that
section so potential damage will be limited.  I see it as similar to
resoultion from other space games, specifically like B5 Wars where you
shoot off a side of a ship and the rest of the ship still functions.

> > 2) area effect weapons can e interpreted to affect more than one
> > section

Yup, and since a supership has more area to damage, I think it should
logically take more damage.  Finding the size of each section is critial
this case.  An area effect weapon should not destroy all the sections of
ship, it should damage them all (in my opinion) but the ship as a whole
should still stay viable.  I think I had each section of the SSD at mass
which by itself is still a powerful ship and should withstand multiple
effect weapons before it looses most of its combat efficiancy.

> > 3) a single section can be critical to the ship, and concentrating
> > that can eliminate the ship while bypassing the rest of the ship's
> > strength.

On my Super Star Destroyer, the core was critical, but weapon fire from
other ships had to destroy outer sections of the ship first before they
could hit the core.  Fighters on the other hand, could target a specific
section of the ship, and in the GenCon battle, that is what they did
the SSD player landed his fighters to reload (a bad tactical move when
still had half their endurance left).  Maybe that isn't realistic, but
for a
ship the size of a SSD, I thought it made sense.

> Yes, OTOH, you'd also have a much lower CPV for six Size N sections
> for one Size 6N ship.

Yup, that would be true too.

Dean Gundberg

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