Re: After Con Report - ECC VII
From: "Paul M. M. Jacobus" <paul@o...>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 12:31:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: After Con Report - ECC VII
> I think staying on top of the action and being an actively involved GM
> is important; I really tried to keep up the pace in my game (Zombie
> Smackdown, Part 2) by making sure it was clear whose turn it was,
> applying gentle pressure to make moves and keep the game flowing, and
> overlapping the end of one side's move with the beginning of the
> when there was no direct confrontation involved.
Both these, agreed. Also, the cards used in the Carnage con Queso are a
good way to keep attention focused, since a number of them had very
applications during someone else's turn.