Re: [DS] "Army" packs?
From: Damond Walker <damosan@c...>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 10:28:56 -0500
Subject: Re: [DS] "Army" packs?
On 2/15/04 10:14 AM, "Doug Evans" <> wrote:
> Ok, if you'll forgive this ole vacc'head, there are a few different
> going on.
> 1) People want volume discounts....
> 2) People want rational groups of sets,...
> 3) People want 'national' army set ups....
Valid points. While a Kra'Vak Mech. Infantry Company would be nice
guess we can't expect it until the Kra'Vak have a healty choice of
vehicles right?
Reality (as far as TOE) can really throw a kink into the works but
I do my infrequent DS game I normally arrange my groups in 3 or 4
chunks and two stands per APC unless I'm doing powerarmor in which case
one stand per APC.
That's just me and YMMV.
I brought the topic up because I read on TMP that Italeri is coming
with some WW2 skirmish set with figures, tanks, rules, etc. I think
it's a
trend that GZG shouldn't ignore to be honest with you all. I'd like to
Jon have a small boxed set which includes enough rules and metal to play
game out of the box.
A little cover artwork, four baggies of figs, a scaled down DS2(3?),
a load of headaches I'm sure. :)
Methinks Jon should hire someone to sling his lead so he can sit in
overlord chair and work on his plans of world domination...urm...I mean
backlog of rules. ;)