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Re: FT losing market share?

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 10:38:20 -0600
Subject: Re: FT losing market share?

Of course, a strong codicle is based on the fact most of this info has
do with experience with stores in the US. While that's where most of the
business is, it's not the only place that gaming takes place.

However, in most communities I've seen, either it's at a store or
store-connected club, or at individuals' homes, which tends to be right
the radar...

> Huh?	Where are you shipping to?  It was always cheaper for me to buy
> straight from GZG than from a US distributor.  Not to mention the fact
> that I'd get it quickly and I'd have access to the newly designed


To their credit GZG bends over backwards to keep extra costs low.

Maybe it's just a hangup that only applies to me but when going through
online store I have this recurring thought "they're in the UK...going to
cost mucho bucks to ship it here."  Reviewing GZG's shipping policy on
their site should take care of this but it doesn't.  :(

Which IS the common viewpoint, no matter what our experience may be.
willing to jump through hoops to make sales for me, as in above and
and I'm STILL leery of making orders.

I've only managed to buy GZG stuff from two US shops in the past five
years: a bunch at the ECC cons and from small gaming store in southern
Delaware.  So can't speak towards GZG US Distributors and shipping.

Which may help to explain part of KR's difficulties, though only a small
part. I know most of my large pile of lead is bought bargain bin, but
that was at least where people could see and contemplate.

>Perhaps we should be talking to the game distributors and getting
>to order in bulk from Jon...

I'm fairly certain Jon's already spoken to this; his business model
seem to allow enough discount to make distributor's attention
if I'm remembering correctly.

The_Beast (who points out problems, never solutions)

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