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Re: [FT] Even more NAC ships

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 18:35:15 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Even more NAC ships

At 11:00 PM +0100 2/10/04, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
>Hugh Fisher wrote:
>>I've been designing and testing some new NAC ships (for
>>Outworld Command, so mostly escorts and cruisers) and
>>finally got around to creating some web pages:
>Tacoma/C: NPV is 93, not 91. This was the only design error I could
>Mosquito: Legal, but... there's a good reason why so few others use 
>screens on ships this small: they simply don't have enough hull 
>integrity to make the screens worthwhile. If I were the RN admiralty 
>(not sure whose navy the R*S*N is, but it ain't the NAC's!) I'd 
>stick to the armoured version even if the Solar War heats up again.

Imho, shields are a Cruiser and above fit. Even in the case of a 
heavy-DD (destroyer leader) that exceeds the older cruiser masses, 
they still don't have shields. Its a question of protection level 
(usually some armor too) balancing out the equation and defining the 

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