Prev: RE: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS Next: RE: [FT] Yet Another, another fighters suggestion

Re: [FT] Yet Another, another fighters suggestion

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 16:13:14 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] Yet Another, another fighters suggestion

This is an off-the-cuff idea, but has anyone considered giving
warships a "built-in" fighter defense value? Something like, for every
x mass of the ship, the ship gets y PDS systems?

I hadn't thought of that but, it's simple and elegant enough to just


Prev: RE: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS Next: RE: [FT] Yet Another, another fighters suggestion