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RE: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS

From: "CS Renegade" <njg@c...>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 21:38:20 -0000
Subject: RE: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS

>> wrote:
>> For a miniatures game, you need both. I thought of doing sanity
>> as a part of the morale system, however you need to have two
>> stats: a Fear stat and a Sanity stat. Why? Because you have
>> insane cultists with zero sanity who may or may not be affected
>> by morale. 

When SAN breaks (either temporarily because of the 20% rule, or on
a more long-term basis because of complete breakdown) isn't the
Keeper supposed to get involved in the interpretation? A zero-SAN
cultist is simply a tool to be used as the situation requires.
Sorry to tear the umpiring curtain and all that.

> From: ~ On Behalf Of David Brewer
> Sent: 04 February 2004 16:00
> Subject: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what?
> Re: real-life FT playing
>    (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS

> Did you ever play RTG Cyberpunk? <snip Empathy description>

> From what I saw the min-maxers descended on the game and played
> it as dungeon-bashing D&D (kill things, steal money, buy stuff)
> with the cyberware subbing in for magic items

Not very bright. Even the denser members of my group (who played
the game mainly for skirmish) worked out that one saved one's EMP
for must-haves and made the rest of the necessary "edge" up by
acquiring external equipment that didn't cost irreplacable EMP.

> and every PC just naturally started with the absolute maximum
> Empathy stat

I refer the honourable list member to VFtE pg 11 col 1 para 6.
The same note appears in the 2020 edition pg 15 col 2, and
don't put up with them ignoring the enemy to join in a scrum
for the fallen character's equipment!

Nathan "CAWS is RARE, dammit, RARE!" Girdler

Prev: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS Next: Re: [SG2] Alternate Quick Combat Resolution (Modified Impact Versus Armour Procedure)