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Re: Test list was Re: [FT] Yet Another Fighters Suggestion

From: agoodall@a...
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 14:45:13 +0000
Subject: Re: Test list was Re: [FT] Yet Another Fighters Suggestion

Chris wrote:

> What we *don't* want to happen is to have JonT or someone with 
> semi-official standing say "Here's a idea on how to fix Problem Q",
> that be taken as gospel, and then find out three weeks later that the 
> solution raises more problems.  Or three months later.

There's also the "bad press" aspect.

For those new to the list, there is a really good reason that Jon is
to pre-publish playtest list stuff on the main list. Years ago, before
Book 1 came out, some of the concepts being tested were posted to the
list for the general GZG populace to try out. One gaming group hated the

changes. They went out and started broadcasting in their own area, and
on the 
Net, how awful the changes were and how the next version of FT was going
wreck the game.

As it turned out, the changes that they were mad about were early
ideas and were seen separated from the whole of the changes that
appeared in 
Fleet Book 1. In other words, what they saw and hated bore little
to what was published. If I remember correctly, the players themselves
also uber-munchkins, who didn't like some of the ways game balance was
in the Fleet Book. 

Jon now prefers that everyone see the finished product at the same time:
the book comes out. Since the fix for the fighter problem will show up
FT3, and possibly FB3, Jon doesn't want any of these changes -- which
still being playtested and are still fairly rough -- to be made
quite yet.

Allan Goodall

Prev: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS Next: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing