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Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS

From: agoodall@a...
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 14:24:27 +0000
Subject: Re: [FMAS] Is this insane or what? Re: real-life FT playing (was: Re: Fighter Group Turn around time was: YAFS

> Just out of curiosity, as I didn't get in on the FMAS playtesting, is
> a morale system? Simple roll?

Well, we could tell you... but then we'd have to kill you.

There are rudimentary parts of a morale system in what we've playtested,
not a full morale system per se. There _will_ be one in FMAS, Jon just
there yet.

> Could you hang SAN off of that? I'm sure
> Cthulu treats it differently, but I always thought of it as an
extension of
> the same: first you lose your nerve, then your mind.

_Call of Cthulhu_ and _Delta Green_ are roleplaying games. Morale is for

people to roleplay. Sanity, however, is a separate sub-system.

For a miniatures game, you need both. I thought of doing sanity as a
part of 
the morale system, however you need to have two stats: a Fear stat and a

Sanity stat. Why? Because you have insane cultists with zero sanity who
or may not be affected by morale. Some will, some won't. You can't have
sanity meaning you run screaming into the night whenever someone yells
because then the insane cult leader would be the biggest chicken in the

It's a tricky concept, one that I think I've got a pretty good handle on
my own Call of Cthulhu miniatures game (which is mostly just a
collection of 
> However, I suppose it has to mesh with the basic RPG format, or it
> fly as a warmup for the RPG players, right?

That isn't necessarily so. A lot of players want a miniatures game for 
Cthulhu. Meshing with the RPG would be a bonus, but it isn't crucial. 
Besides, now there are essentially two main flavours of _Call of
Chaosium's Basic Role Play (BRP) system, and D20 _Call of Cthulhu_. The
edition of _Delta Green_ is dual statted for BRP and D20. There are also
number of people who have ported CoC and _Delta Green_ to GURPS. I tried
for a while, but gave up because there's a problem with the GURPS Fright

Check system.

I have about a half dozen scenarios thought up for this, with more 
percolating in my brain. The idea of using FMAS for Cthulhu was one of
primary reasons for me wanting to playtest it. I'm still very interested
FMAS, and it's the reason I'll probably keep the 25mm SG2 figures that I
instead of converting wholesale to 15mm, but for Cthulhu I think the
best bet 
is to keep producing my own game.
> Also, I think this started as Allan looking for FT players, so perhaps
> we craft a way for the lesser gods to be Von Danikan visitors, as I'm
> Beth can help with the appropriate flying saucers, to be met by the
> investigator's garage ships rising to do battle amidst the... er, no,

_Delta Green_, which is sort of X-Files meets Cthulhu, but is far, _FAR_

better than that description implies, has Grey aliens. Half the
scenarios I 
thought up are _Delta Green_ inspired, and make use of Greys. I haven't
Grey figures that I really like. I bought a bunch of Gomi Design figures
Jon, but they are a little comical. There's another company that makes
really good looking Greys (the URL was posted here) but all the Greys
weapons, which isn't what I want either.

Allan Goodall

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