Ship dispositions
From: Damond Walker <damosan@c...>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 10:49:00 -0500
Subject: Ship dispositions
I have a spreadsheet which lists all the ship class dispositions from
FB1. The numbers show "dangerous ships" to be on as well as popular
export models. Not being a naval type I'd like to know what
Decommissioned and Reserve actually mean in the context of FT.
When a ship is decommissioned is it sold off as scrap? Or to another
power (corporate, small nation, etc)?
When a ship is placed in reserve is it a combination of moving it to
training status or mothballing it around a station or a lagrange point?
About vessels sold -- can I assume these sales are to friendly nations.
Or do these sales include private concerns as well?