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RE: Background Material: A call for Help from US Easterners

From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 07:52:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: Background Material: A call for Help from US Easterners

--- "Karl A. Bergman" <> wrote:
>	Actually, Everett has a CVN stationed there also.
> Further, the shipyard at
> Bremerton is the only base on the West Coast which
> can work on the CVN's
> power plants.  The big problem here is that most of
> the CVN's attack
> fighters are based in California when not out to
> sea.	

True enough, but it's a start.	I knew Everett had a
CV, but wasn't sure if it was a different one or the
same one transferred over to the new base.  And I did
admit a decided lack of naval fighter assets in WA, I
haven't looked into current statistics for fighter
assets in Alaska or Canadian ones in BC or AB.	Of
course, if Nevada decides to side with the Northwest
instead of with California (Possible, given general
western animosity towards californication), then
Cascadia ends up with NAS Fallon.

I also believe that
> there is an Air Force base near Spokane.  

That's Fairchild.

I am not
> sure if your intent is to
> include eastern Washington into Cascadia or not.  

Yup, and good portions of Idaho.

> listen to some of those
> on the other side of the mountains, you would think
> that they live in a
> different state now.

Same in Eastern and Southern Oregon.  Different
states, but within one nation would be plausible. 
(Southern Oregon/Northern CA becomes Jefferson.  Maybe
Split Washington, name the eastern side Palouse, I'll
have to work on a name for Eastern Oregon).

"In life, you must try and be the type of person that your dog thinks
you are."

- Anonymous

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