[FT] Follow-up One-off Poll
From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@h...>
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 09:26:11 -0600
Subject: [FT] Follow-up One-off Poll
I don't want to step on Chris' toes, but here's a follow-up.
A) When you play one-off games, do you:
A1) Fight a battle per a pre-designed scenario;
A2) Create two fleets based on points and just slug it out;
A3) A mixture of both (build a fleet to a specific point size, and
use it in a scenario, either blind or knowing the scenario ahead of
B) When you play one-off games, do you:
B1) Play to specific victory conditions (half the fleet destroyed, a
certain point value of ships destroyed, a certain scenario specific
B2) Play until one side is completely destroyed, leaves the table, or
one player resigns?
C) When you play one-off games, do you:
C1) Have some sort of morale or campaign background rule that
prevents ships from fighting to the death (the crew don't want to
die, the ship has a "worth" outside of the battle and can't just be
sacrificed for no gain);
C2) Fight to the death, morale rules be darned?
Allan Goodall agoodall@hyperbear.com
"Now, see, if you combine different colours of light, you get white!
Try that with Play-Doh and you get brown! How come?" - Alan Moore &
Kevin Nolan, "Jack B. Quick, Boy Inventor"