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Re: PC gaming battle game?

From: s666@f...
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:44:42 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: PC gaming battle game?

On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, Michael Llaneza wrote:

> Forget Dominion Wars, it's mediocre at best. Starfleet Command 2 is
> best bet for 'Trek games, but be advised it has nothing to do with the

> Next Gen series whatsoever. You wanted the X-Wing games anyway,
> Alliance is your best bet there. Rebel Strike and Rogue Squadron (et
> are more console games than sims like the X-Wing games, not that they 
> aren't fun in their own right. Also consider Independence War 1/2 as 
> first-rate games.
And to throw this a little more off topic, there are mods for SFC2 that
will createall of the ships from Star Fleet Battles, and give them the
"SFB appearance", just in case you need your Gorns to actually look like
the old school SFB ships.

Sean Dzafovic

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