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Re: [FT] Morale Re: [SG2] weapons

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 06:16:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Morale Re: [SG2] weapons

--- Doug Evans <> wrote:

> You can expect a FF captain would be likely to save
> the Bismark, or one
> hundred thousand colonists, if he could, no matter
> the cost.

Historically, didn't small ships generally do what
they were told to do?  I mean, can anyone come up with
a modern post-radio example of a destroyer commander
telling his TF commander to sod off?

Second, can anyone come up with an example at any
point in history where this happened and the ship
commander did not get at the least dismissed from the
service and imprisioned?  I'm not counting Admirals
who get wild hairs (Nelson) and win battles regardless
of orders to disengage.  


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