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One from the archives for DS 2 chit haters

From: warbeads@j...
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 18:37:07 -0500
Subject: One from the archives for DS 2 chit haters

GZG List Archives -- February 1998 
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DSII damage chit chart.


From: Tony Christney <acc@xxxxxxx> 
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 11:13:42 -0800 


>OK.  I'll admit up front that I'm an idiot.  I've got two copies of
>II and can't find all of the chits for either of them.  Has anyone got
>list of what chits there should be or a chart for rolling damage. 
Thanks in

Here is a chart I made up a while back. It uses two dice per chit draw,
one is a D12 (1-12) and the other a D10 (0-9). The D12 counts as the

10-12		Green  0
13-22		Green  1
23-29		Green  2
30-34		Green  3
35-37		Yellow 0
38-47		Yellow 1
48-54		Yellow 2
55-59		Yellow 3
60-64		Red    0
65-84		Red    1
85-99		Red    2
100-109 	Red    3
110-114 	Target Systems Down
115-116 	Firer  Systems Down
117-123 	Immobilized
124-128 	BOOM!
129		Reroll

You can use multiple sets of dice of different colors/styles to
simulate multiple chit draws. In this case, in order to recreate
the exact probabilites you would reroll exact duplicates of a
single combination. For example, you would reroll two "60" but
not "60", "64". The reroll for "129" is necessary since there
aree exactly 119 damage chits. I suppose it would be possible to
add another "special" chit if you want.

Mikko Kurki-Suonio also has a chart on his website that uses
percentile dice. His website is at

A full listing of the rest of the available chits is on p.5 of the
DSII rulebook.


  Tony Christney

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